Pre-Incident Intelligence

Help your organization better prepare for today's threats. Learn how Captis combines operational threat intelligence with open source data to deliver pre-incident intelligence on a local or global scale.

Post-Incident Intelligence

Your organization has just experienced an incident, crime, or unrest and you need to to immediately identify subjects from surveillance video or still images and rapidly gather valuable intelligence to conclude your investigations. Captis provides you intelligence from over 100 million public criminal files, the dark web, and the deep web.

Captis I-4 Solutions Deliver

Pre-Incident Intelligence


Automatic Subject Intelligence provides the tools your team needs to stop crimes before they happen. By leveraging your existing surveillance infrastructure Captis' ASI can provide your team with immediate feedback on potential persons-of-interest entering a facility. Any number of POIs are scanned across the world’s largest private database of 100 million public criminal files.


Captis understands that timely access to localized crime intelligence is an essential component in obtaining effective situational awareness. Whether your business is a single location or thousands of locations, consistently updated crime information is integral to determining risk and learning of crime trends that may affect you or your operation.

Post-Incident Intelligence


Captis’ On-Demand Subject Intelligence allows rapid identification intelligence on subjects from surveillance and still-images. Utilizing the Captis Database of over 100 million criminals, ODSI delivers a leading solution to bridge the gap between surveillance and identification.


Leverage the power of the Captis Criminal Act Social Network. Post crimes and use the exclusive network to deliver incidents to a highly engaged and active audience within a targeted geography surrounding the crime location. Get tips immediately and implement a powerful local deterrent to reduce future criminal activity.

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